MQV-Einblicke – "Wie Quantencomputer unsere Welt verändern"

FAU Campus Erlangen Süd

As part of our event series "MQV-Einblicke – 100 Jahre Quantenwissenschaften und woran wir heute forschen" on 29 April 2025 Florian Hartmann and Christopher Eichler will give talks under the title "Wie Quantencomputer unsere Welt verändern" at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). The talks will be followed by short tours of a quantum computing lab.

The talks will be held in German. You can find more information about the event on the German version of this page

Registration for the event is required. You can find the registration form here.

You can find all events of the “MQV-Einblicke" series here