TU Munich – PhD and Postdoctoral positions in Quantum Information Theory (m/f/d)

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We are currently offering several PhD and postdoctoral positions to highly motivated and well-qualified young researchers who intend to pursue their scientific career in the field of Quantum Information Theory. The position is associated with the research group of Barbara Kraus at the Department of Physics, Technical University of Munich, Germany. Research will be on problems within Quantum Information Theory, with special focus on verification of quantum devices, quantum computation, the characterization of physically relevant entanglement properties, i.e. those which dictate the physical behavior of a quantum many-body system, and the identification of new applications of multipartite entanglement. A good background in Quantum Physics and Mathematics is desirable. For more information see current webpage (under construction) of the research group: https://www.ph.nat.tum.de/thphqaa/startseite/.

How to apply

Interested candidates should sent their application consisting of - detailed curriculum vitae - list of publications - summary of main research interests - contact details, including email address, of two potential referees in electronic form to Barbara Kraus, Barbara.Kraus(at)ph.tum.de (with the subject line "Application: PhD/ PostDoc Position"). Successful candidates will highly benefit from the fantastic scientific environment at the Technical University of Munich.

For questions, please contact Prof. Mag. Dr. Barbara Kraus.
Technical University of Munich
James-Franck-Str. 1
85748 Garching, Germany