
planqc secures €50 million in Series-A funding

MQV start-up planqc has just announced the successful closing of its first significant round of venture capital funding.

Connecting industry and academia: Looking back at the MQV Supplier Workshop

Yesterday, Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) invited industry partners and researchers to the first "MQV Supplier Workshop" in Garching. The event aimed to constructively connect representatives from industry and academia within the MQV ecosystem and strengthen the quantum community.


Leibniz Supercomputing Centre hosts Germany's first hybrid quantum computer

At the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, a quantum computer based on superconducting qubits has been successfully connected to the SuperMUC-NG supercomputer. Initial tests show that the two technologies work together, enabling hybrid quantum computing. Today, the system has been formally unveiled.


planqc selected to join World Economic Forum as Technology Pioneer 2024

As announced today, the MQV start-up has been selected to join the World Economic Forum’s Innovator Communities in the Technology Pioneers 2024 Cohort.


Quantum Landing Pad launched to help international quantum start-ups establish themselves in Munich/Bavaria

In an exciting development for the quantum technology sector in Munich and Bavaria, Munich Quantum Valley, Invest in Bavaria and TUM Venture Lab Quantum jointly launch the Quantum Landing Pad.

Munich Quantum Valley at the Spring Meetings 2024

This year, Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) will once again be exhibiting at the March Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS) in Minneapolis and at the Spring Meetings of the German Physical Society (DPG) in Freiburg and Berlin.

A trapped-ion quantum computer for Munich Quantum Valley

In cooperation with Munich Quantum Valley, the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre is procuring a quantum computer based on trapped-ion technology.


Munich Quantum Valley at Quantum Effects and EQTC

The trade fair season is slowly coming to an end, but also in October Munich Quantum Valley was present at two events in Germany.

Successful closure of the Quantum Future Academy 2023 in Munich and Berlin

The Quantum Future Academy (QFA) brings together young talents in the field of quantum technologies. The first part of the binational event took place in Israel in February. The second week-long academy in Germany concluded this year's program this past week.

Superconducting Qubits and Algorithms Conference 2023 in Munich

Around 400 people from all over the world participated in the second edition of the Superconducting Qubits and Algorithms (SQA) Conference taking place 29 August - 1 September 2023. The conference was jointly organized by IQM Quantum Computers, Technical University of Munich and Munich Quantum Valley.

MQV and IBM Quantum present quantum technologies from research to application at the World of QUANTUM

Munich Quantum Valley (MQV), a leading German quantum hub, and IBM Quantum will host experts from academia and industry to present at their joint World of QUANTUM program: "Quantum Technologies: From Research to Application". The full-day program will take place 29 June 2023 as part of the World of QUANTUM fair in Munich (27–30 June 2023).

Symposium "Applications of Quantum Computing" in Munich

Munich Quantum Valley brings together experts from academic and industrial research to discuss issues related to the potential applications of quantum computing.

Quantum Computing meets Cyber Security: Lively Exchange at Symposium in Garching

On Friday, 12 May, the symposium "Quantum Computing meets Cyber Security" took place in Garching. Munich Quantum Valley together with the University of the Bundeswehr Munich (UniBW) and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) invited experts to discuss cyber risks in the age of quantum computers.

Munich Quantum Valley at the DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section

Munich Quantum Valley was represented with a booth at the DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) as part of the Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Literature from March 28 to 30.

Presenting bavarian quantum research at home and abroad: Munich Quantum Valley at the DPG and APS conferences

Munich Quantum Valley took part in two conferences in the first week of March: At the DPG Spring Meeting of the Atomic, Molecular, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section (SAMOP) in Hannover as well as at the March Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS March Meeting) in Las Vegas, MQV presented itself with a booth.

Quantum Computing meets Cyber Security: Symposium in Munich brings experts together

Quantum computers could solve problems beyond the capabilities of current classical computers. In parallel, powerful quantum technologies pose a new threat to security systems. The symposium Quantum Computing meets Cyber Security brings together experts to discuss cyber security issues.

Quantum Future Academy 2023: Young researchers visit Israel

The Quantum Future Academy (QFA) is a bi-national event that brings together students from Israel and Germany in two week-long academies on quantum technologies. The first part of the program in Israel takes place this week.

Looking back at the first year

Today we celebrate the first anniversary of the foundation of the Munich Quantum Valley e.V. and look back on a successful year together with the Scientific Director of MQV, Prof. Rainer Blatt.

On this occasion, we are also releasing our first public annual report.

Call for company-driven Lighthouse Projects for applications in the field of quantum technologies

As part of the Bavarian State Government's Hightech Agenda Plus, the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy (StMWi) supports innovative, company-driven collaborative projects within MQV.

Leibniz Supercomputing Centre becomes German host for one of the six first European Quantum Computers

Earlier this week, the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) announced that the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) will be one of six sites to host the first European quantum computers.

Nearly 17 million euros funding for Lighthouse Projects

With funds from the Hightech Agenda Bavaria, the Free State of Bavaria is supporting five basic-research projects in the field of quantum sciences with a total of about 17 million euros as part of the Munich Quantum Valley initiative. Acknowledging the expertise available at universities and research institutions throughout Bavaria, the interdisciplinary and cross-university Lighthouse Projects promote Bavaria's leading role in the field of quantum technologies.

Max-Planck scientists found planqc to build highly scalable quantum computer

Quantum computing startup planqc today announced a financing round of EUR 4.6 million led by UVC Partners and Speedinvest. With this funding, planqc will develop a highly scalable quantum computer operating at room temperature that is based on atoms trapped in optical lattices. planqc was founded by a team of scientists from the Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics and Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich and is the first startup to emerge from Munich Quantum Valley, one of the leading quantum technology hubs in Europe.

Around 20 million euros for new professorships in Bavaria

The universities in Augsburg, Würzburg, Erlangen-Nuremberg and Munich, as well as the technical universities of applied sciences in Regensburg and Nuremberg, will receive around twenty million euros in funding from Bavaria's High-Tech Agenda to enable them to further strengthen their profile in quantum sciences and quantum technologies.

Fit for quantum: Around one million euros for teaching in quantum technology

Making young scientists fit for quantum technologies: The universities in Augsburg, Bayreuth, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Munich, Regensburg, and Würzburg will each receive around 144,000 euros in funding from the High-Tech Agenda Bavaria.

Call for Lighthouse Projects

The call for Lighthouse Projects for research, development and applications in the area of quantum sciences and quantum technologies is now open. The Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy and the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Arts funds so-called Lighthouse Projects as a part of the MQV initiative. These projects should use innovative concepts to cover a broad range of quantum sciences and quantum technologies.

Foundation of the Munich Quantum Valley e.V.

Just one year after the Bavarian state government issued its declaration of intent, the founding document was signed ceremonially at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities to mark the formal establishment of the Munich Quantum Valley as a registered association. Supplementing the funding of 300 million euros from Bavaria’s Hightech Agenda the initiative’s members have already raised federal funds totaling more than 80 million euros.

Minister Aiwanger hands over funding to FhG and MPG institutes

The Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger has handed over funding certificates totaling 52 million euros for the development of a Bavarian quantum computer.

"It’s so great to see the passion, the verve, with which the work is done here“

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder are delighted by their impressions into research and networks at MPQ and express their further support.

Quantum research could be the spring of the next big technological revolution and a seed for wealth. A good reason for German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder to visit the Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching near Munich, one of the top places in quantum research in the world, to see the current state of science and its prospects for the future. The State of Bavaria has recently funded the new Munich Quantum Valley initiative with 300 million euros, while the German Federal State provides 2 billion for quantum research as part of its economic stimulus package. The MPQ plays a central role in this development due to its world-renowned expertise and excellent international networks.

BMW supports new TUM endowed chair with 5.1 million euros

The BMW Group will support future research on quantum computers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). The contract establishing the endowed chair for Quantum Algorithms and Applications ("Quantenalgorithmen und -anwendungen") was signed by TUM president Thomas F. Hofmann, BMW AG Board of Management member Frank Weber and BMW AG CIO Alexander Buresch.

Munich Quantum Valley kicks off

Bavaria's leading scientists and universities kick off a new research initiative to promote quantum science and develop new quantum technologies. The Free State of Bavaria is supporting the project with 300 million euros.