Upcoming Events

Public lecture - "Wird die Pizza zukünftig mit Hilfe von Quantencomputern ausgeliefert?"

What are quantum computers? What physical principles are they based on? And what can they be used for? In an evening lecture at Altes Stadttheater in Eichstätt, Prof. Jeanette Lorenz will talk about the basics of quantum computers, the current state of development and potential areas of application.

Past Events

BAdW Symposium - Quantum technologies. Expectations of an important future technology

With the support of MQV, the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BAdW) is organizing a symposium on "Quantum technologies. Expectations of an important future technology".

Public lecture – „Lasst uns den Quantensprung wagen!“

To kick off our MQV Review Meeting in Eichstätt this year, Prof. Rudolf Gross will give a public evening lecture at Altes Stadttheater Eichstätt on 25 September 2023. The talk will also be streamed live on our YouTube channel.

Public talk – "Quantencomputer. Wer, wie, was, wieso, weshalb, warum?"

Andreas Wallraff (ETH Zürich), Distinguished Lecturer of MCQST, will be holding a public talk on 12 June in Munich. This public lecture is intended for anyone who is curious about quantum science - even absolute beginners!

Quantum Days at the Science Communication Lab


Prof. Steffen Glaser and his group will be part of the event at Deutsches Museum to inform visitors about the basic principles, possible applications and the current state of research in quantum technologies.